"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

24 October 2017

So Close You Can Smell It

5 Marcheshvan 5778

A person can see something before he can hear it and he can hear it (usually) before he can smell it. By the time he can taste it, he is already in actual physical contact. I feel like we are so close to Mashiach now that we can smell it! So close that we can almost touch it!

Why are Eisav and the Erev Rav working so hard to unite us together? Because it is not unity, but SEPARATION that is the key to our redemption. That is what the great birur is all about.
"The argument of the nations here is that we must achieve unity and break down the walls of separation. Is this not fair and logical according the the false thinking of the worshipers of foreign culture? Is not the unity of all nations and the disappearance of the differences between Israel and the nations the goal of the Hellenists...."
"G-d decreed upon holy Israel that they must be separated from impurity and from the impure nations. The idolatry and foreign culture of the nations cannot coexist with G-d's Torah or with G-d himself."
Rabbi Kahane z"l, Or HaRa'ayon
In the beginning, Adam and Chavah mixed good and evil. At the end, WE are separating good and evil. Davka here in the final days before the Messianic era begins, all of the tests that HKB"H has set up for us seem to involve this concept in one form or another and now, they appear to be coming to their conclusion.

All of the anti-Torah and pseudo-Torah activities which we have protested and spoken against have served their purpose of bringing about a birur. They were the weapons in the war for the hearts and minds of Klal Yisrael. They have forced both the onlookers and the participants to make a choice - to unite with them in their kefirah or to separate from them and cling steadfastly to the Torah that we received at Har Sinai.

Mashiach will be arriving to receive the leadership of a nation which has learned how to separate itself from the evils of idolatry, false religions, fake Torah and unholy unity with the impure nations. He will be arriving to a people who have let go of everything - power, popularity, ego, materialism, foreign values - and remain connected only to HKB"H and His Truth.

Once we have proven ourselves worthy of his leadership by beginning the work of separation in our own lives and circumstances, Mashiach will arrive and finish the job.

If this is not the vision of redemption that you imagine, you have some serious work left to do and very little time left in which to accomplish it. 

Our job until Mashiach arrives is to do the exact opposite of what the anti-Torah and pseudo-Torah forces are telling us. We do not become "one new man." We rebuild the broken-down fences and reinforce the breached walls and burn all those newly built bridges by adhering to  - and teaching other Jews to adhere strictly to - Torah, mitzvot and halachah. We already have all the tools we need. We just have to make use of them in the prescribed way.


  1. Something else that lets us know how close Mashiach and Geula are;

    Hollywood is falling apart now, after having survived the great depression and many crisis for generations.

    The NFL (and other professional games) has lost many viewers and spectators over the players refusal to stand and pay allegiance to their own country.

    Stocks are at an unbelievable high and besides the many economists and traders that are warning of an imminent sharp decline, we all know what goes up....

    What happens in the physical world has a parallel action in the spiritual, and vice versa. It is very clear that the malach of western culture is fatally ill.

    --the original me

  2. These and others are symptoms of the disease. When the nations move closer to debilatatingly squeezing Israel, or attacking Israel, then we will IYH greet Mashiach. The world is not in enough desperation, unfortunately. One can smell it in the air but it has not yet filled our nostrils.

  3. Dear Tomer Devorah, Yes. That sounds right. Chodesh Tov from the Land of Israel, City of God/Jerusalem, Hill of the Priests/Givat Chananiya (Abu Tor), Aryeh Yosef Ben Meir

  4. A wise talmid hakham once sent me the following list how to know who's an authentic בעלי הוראה מפורסמים / gadol:

    #1 - Excels in his knowledge of Torah - that means, among other things, Shas and Poskim, and he must be a Gaon in Svara.

    #2 - Excels in Yirat Shamayim

    #3 - Follows a direct Mesorah.

    #4 - Opinions not tainted by outside (secular) influences.

    #5 - Opinions not tainted by agendas, pressures, political correctness, or biases

    #6 - Intellectually honest, truth-seeker

  5. BG one more item: the humility of Moshe Rabbeinu.

  6. @Neshama, I belive what you wrote is encompassed in #2--Yirat Shamayim.
