20 November 2017

There Is An Israeli Army, But Not A Jewish Army

2 Kislev 5778

So the Arab-loving/Christian-loving President of Israel declined to grant Elor Azaria release from prison - a place he never should have been in the first instance.
...Rivlin’s office said that the president believes that any further reduction of the sentence would “harm the strength of the Israel Defense Forces and of the State of Israel,” adding that “the IDF’s values, including purity of arms,” are fundamental to the Israeli army’s strength.
According to another report, yeshivah students who arrive to register for the draft are being asked unusual questions like what would they do if they found themselves in a situation similar to Elor Azaria? And what would they do if a commander issued an order that conflicted with Torah law?

The message here is clear: If your intent as a soldier is to kill the enemy in a time of war, do not apply to the IDF! If your intent is to remain a Jew faithful to the Holy Torah, DO NOT apply to the IDF!!

I personally do not believe that there exists a religious soldier in the IDF who has not been required at some point to compromise on Torah law and/or practice. 

By the same token, there is an Israeli State, but it's NOT a Jewish State. 


  1. He behaves like a Reform Jew, shame, shame.
    I hope someone convinces him to decide otherwise.

  2. Yasher Shkoyach, Dvorah! The State of Israel's army is the army,which serves a special interest groups and not Jewish people,therefore is not the place for Jewish neshamos to compromise their Olam Haba.

  3. Yes, but it's the only army we have right now. And I for one will be thankful that I can sit in peace in Jerusalem because the IDF is doing their work. No it's not perfect, but until Moshiach comes nothing is.

    1. thank you anonymous at 6:27. my children are safe everyday, living quite close to the border, because of the IDF.

  4. The IDF is there to defend and protect the Israelis; a nation state needs an army. That said, we should expect that there will be an awakening of the Jewish Neshomas that will convert this IDF/Army into a proper Jewish army, by the standards of Halacha and Kashrut, led by Mashiach. So the concept of Teshuva can prevail in all sectors of society, a quiet revolution to Honor Hashem.
